Monday, September 16, 2019

Pain Control

We Will Feast in the House of Zion…

As Cherie draws nearer to our Lord, it is important that you all are aware of the issue at hand.

Cherie has been in a lot of pain these last couple of weeks. She has had some wonderful visits with friends and family, as much as her body and mind would allow. Last night, Cherie moved into my parents’ house. She is now in a comfy hospital bed provided by hospice. My mom has already benefited from this move and so has Cherie. It is much easier to sit up and drink and her room is right across from mom and dad’s. As of this afternoon, Cherie is still interacting when she is awake, but she sleeps most of the day. The nurse from hospice visits regularly and is continually working with us to manage my sister’s pain.

Currently, my mom has posted the “no visitors” sign. We would ask you all to pray for better pain control.

As Cherie’s body wears down and the pain becomes great, we spend time lamenting because we are reminded that things are not as they ought to be because of sin. We sing songs and read scripture that echo these emotions. Yet, when all is said and done, and the Saints worship the Lord seated on the throne, we will one day all feast in the house of Zion. For the last 2 years, in various circumstances, this picture has been in my mind. The words that we sing as a congregation at church touch my soul to the core:

“We will feast in the House of Zion
We will feast with our hearts restored
He has done great things we will say together
We will feast and weep no more”