December 20, 2018
I need to start by saying that I know a lot of you would like daily updates, even if there's nothing that has changed or ways you can pray. I'm going to do my best to give you those daily updates, even if they're just short and even if it's just telling you that nothing has changed that day. My mom and sister are getting bombarded with texts and it has been very difficult to keep up with all of those...and they are the people that would try to keep up not matter what! There have been many doctors appointments and insurance issues that are taking up A LOT of their time. They want to keep you updated, so I will try to do that daily. Thank you for your prayers and concerns. With that, I know you will all understand the time it can take to send lots of texts trying to update friends and be sensitive to my family's time. Thank you, in advance, for your thoughtfulness and concern. I understand that's exactly what it is and that no is trying to burden my family!
Cherie has been home, living with my parents for over a week now. Those first few days home she had a rough time coping with pain and she even made another trip to the ER, due to issues that are common with the healing process from the kind of major surgery she endured.
I went to visit her this past Monday and, other than a little weakness when walking long distances, she doesn't even seem like she just had major surgery! She seems like herself again! My mom even took her to church this past Sunday!
We visited the oncologist, Dr. Brooks, late Monday afternoon. He was able to go over the pathology report with us and explain what it meant. There are only some things that we know and we now have to wait until the PET scan is done before he comes up with a certain treatment plan. Here are a few things we learned: During the surgery they removed 20 lymph nodes. 19 of those had cancer in them. There was also a nodule in the omentum that had cancer in it. We also know that the depth of invasion of the tumor in her body had gone through the bowel and into the lining of the abdomen. Once the PET scan is done, it will identify any visible cancer anywhere else and we can decide how to attack it. It will definitely be aggressive treatment. The duration of the treatment will depend on the PET scan results.
Meanwhile, my mom is nursing Cherie back to good health. She has always made nutritious, homemade meals and Cherie is eating those and quickly gaining her strength back!
Now for something that must be shared from the bottom of my heart, with love, to all of Cherie's friends that care so deeply for her. When our loved ones get sick, we always want them to choose the best way to get better. We do research and learn of things that helped other people and we want Cherie to experience the same healing. All of you know that cancer is a life threatening sickness. First, I want to thank you, on behalf of all the Gray family, for trying to help by suggesting ways for Cherie to deal with her cancer. We know that no one wants to step on any toes and we also know that what you share, as far as her treatment methods, is because you love her and want only the best. Our feelings are not hurt! Please know (and take to heart) that we have not shared everything having to do with every aspect of her cancer. We have shared with you the things that are necessary in order for you to pray and understand the seriousness of Cherie's sickness. Because of various factors, Cherie has decided to fight her cancer with chemotherapy. I will keep you updated on those treatments as we go along. She will also be eating quite healthy since my mom is preparing her meals.
Cherie has loved having visitors and we would like to continue that as much as possible. When you visit, she would love to hear about life, your encouraging words, and how you are praying for her. I would ask that you refrain form discussing her choice of treatment with her and trust that, no matter what, God holds her in His hand and He is faithful to the plan HE has for her.
Here is how you can pray:
- Cherie is having complications with her health insurance company. Please pray that this will all get worked out and that God will bring wise counsel in how to deal with the situation. She and my parents are pursuing various possible options.
- Pray for peace for Cherie. It will be a long and tiresome road ahead. Pray that she will be mindful of God's provision and will take this on one day at a time.
- Pray for the PET scan to reveal every area where the cancer is
- Pray for her oncologist, Dr. Brooks, that he will have wisdom in how to create the best treatment plan for her
- Cherie really likes her oncologist!
- Cherie has discovered a plethora of great resources and people in the cancer healthcare field!
- She is sleeping well and eating more each day!
- She has had lots of visitors (within reason) and she loves all the flowers that people bring with them! If you want to visit, please schedule with my mom.
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