Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Journey

January 19,2019

Cherie has begun her journey of 12 chemo treatments. Now there's 11 more to go.

There was a lot to learn on her first day of treatment. My mom went with Cherie and they both packed a lot of things to get done while there, but to no avail. Learning the ropes took most of the 5 hours they were there, as well as talking to others around them. I can imagine all the conversations that will be had these next 6 months while Cherie is in that chair. Not only will she have a special friend next to her, but there are neighboring chemo patients that will be sitting around her and there will be many stories to hear, possibly tears cried, laughter shared, and a heartfelt understanding towards others that are in different stages of their treatments. As I think about this room full of people with chemicals pumping through their bodies I am thankful that there is a big room, where no one has to be truly alone. There are plenty that come without a buddy or friend and the room is shared with unspoken emotions from each person in that room. And I know that, just as Cherie engages in conversation with someone giving her a pedicure or those sitting next her to on an airplane, she will also engage with those around her in this room. Maybe she will never get to the task of giving attention to the things she brought to "get done". Perhaps she is there for stories. We are all a part of God's story and this is how He has woven her into His narrative. We never saw this coming, but He did. He is the Author and Perfecter of our faith and sanctification.

After treatment on Wednesday Cherie was filled with energy, due to the steroids administered during her session in the chair. She said it was like she drank a ton of coffee. This energy lasted the next day, too. On the 3rd day she got a little tired. The side effect she experienced was a sore jaw when eating. It was also hard to swallow without it hurting. She has to drink her water at room temperature, but it still affected her swallowing. She came home on Wednesday with a pump attached to her. On Friday she went to have it taken out. She also stayed for an hour and a half hydration session. This will hopefully minimize dehydration side effects.

She is logging everything she eats and mom is making sure she gets her daily balanced meals.

It has been difficult for me to keep up with blogging. I do it when I have a free moment, but I know most of you would like updates more often. This had led to creating an account with Caring Bridge.
This is the link:

This site will be updated more often by others. I will still keep this blog and will write as often as possible, so you can visit both!

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