Friday, March 29, 2019

Recent oncologist visit

March 26, 2019

It’s been awhile since my last post and Cherie recently had an appointment with the Oncologist, so it’s time for an update!

Cherie had a CT last week. We met with Dr. Brooks the next day to discuss the findings. He asked her how she was feeling and it was a difference between night and day since the last time we saw him! She is still feeling some of the lingering effects of chemo, such as peeling on her fingertips. Currently, she is unable to open her phone with her finger because her fingerprint lines have gone away due to the peeling! Having to do things the old fashioned way by punching in a code is annoying, but Cherie knows it’s temporary (yes, first world problems).
Looking at the CT scan the radiologist and Dr. Brooks have reported about a one centimeter shrinkage of 2 of the lymph nodes that were measured back in December of 2018. This is good to hear!
 The doctor also took a blood test for a tumor marker. Tumor markers are chemicals made by tumor cells that can be detected in your blood. But tumor markers are also produced by some normal cells in your body, and levels may be significantly elevated in noncancerous conditions. This limits the potential for tumor marker tests to help in diagnosing cancer. Tumor markers can also help doctors decide whether to add chemotherapy after surgery. Other tumor markers help the doctor choose which drug combination will work best for chemo. They can also help the doctor figure out how well treatment is working.
Now that you’ve had your Biology lesson for today…
Cherie’s tumor level went from 214 in January to 45.9 last week!

What does this mean? Well, it means that the chemo probably did work some by shrinking cancerous lymph nodes and shrinking the numbers of the tumor marker test and it means that none of this happens outside of God's will. Praise God! So you’re thinking: “Apparently the chemo treatment was successful in some way! Maybe Cherie should stick with it!” So now I’m here to follow up with some other news that isn’t so great…

There are now 7 definite spots (also called lesions) on Cherie’s liver that point to cancer activity. The previous CT scan showed 2, maybe 3. So while the lymph nodes have shrunk, the cancer on the liver is a concern. It is quite common for colon cancer to spread to the liver, since it is the closest organ (other than the spleen) to the origin of her colon cancer. If she feels any effects from the cancer on her liver it would be extreme exhaustion, loss of appetite, and weight loss. So far, she is experiencing none of that. Dr. Brooks didn’t dwell on talking about what has happened with the liver. He tends to be very positive, in general, no matter what the situation. He is a very encouraging man, and we are thankful that he listens and dwells on the good things that are happening. He is truthful, though, and shows us the results thoroughly and addresses our concerns. He doesn’t hide the truth.

During the appointment, Cherie did ask about some alternative treatments and possible cancer trial studies that she might qualify for. Dr. Brooks did not close any doors on these options, but he was careful to explain that these tests and studies are meant to find the best form of treatment for her cancer…which, down the road, is meant to lead to more chemo. He didn’t speak negatively about these options, but rather truthfully about the road they present ahead.

So here’s the scoop: The next time we see Dr. Brooks will be late June! Cherie is to go on enjoying her chemo free life. She needs to be mindful of the importance of eating healthy and exercising and continue on that path. When she sees the doctor again she will get a CT scan beforehand so that we can see any activity that has occurred within this next 3 month time frame.

Meanwhile, please continue praying. Thank God for Dr. Brooks and his truthfulness, as well as his encouraging spirit. Thank Him for the good results in the CT scan. Come before Him regarding the new spots on the liver. Pray for wisdom for Cherie. There will still be many decisions ahead of her. Pray for my parents as they labor (joyfully, of course) to make sure Cherie is well taken care of.

Thank the Lord that Cherie hasn’t been “sick”. Her life has gone on as normal and she feels as if she doesn’t even have cancer! Because of this, my parents were able to take a vacation to their second home and favorite place: Rocky Point, Mexico! They met up with long time friends there and enjoyed the wonderful weather and a blessed time of fellowship.

It may be awhile before I post again. Thank you all for your faithfulness in support and prayer for our family!

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